Your child or teen is just starting therapy and as a parent, you may be wondering how best to support them for their sessions. Here are a few ways to help your child or teen get the most out of therapy:
Respect their confidentiality
Kids and teenagers have confidentiality regarding what they discuss with their therapist (exceptions include a child or teen who is in danger of harming themselves or others, or being harmed by another person). Avoid asking your child or teen a lot of questions or pressuring them to give you details about their session. Be open if they want to talk about their session, but let them know you respect their sessions being a safe and private space for them.
Be open for involvement
Your child or teen or their therapist may request that you be part of a session, as this can be valuable for both you and your child/teen. Let your child or teen know that you are available and willing to be involved in their therapy and want to support them in their growth journey of therapy.
Give time for processing after a session
Your child or teen does a lot of emotional work during their sessions and they will need time to decompress afterwards. Avoid having them do homework, chores or high pressured responsibilities right after a session. Give them space to think and reflect on their session, and encourage them to either do some physical activity to decompress or have quiet relaxation to transition back into their day’s activities.
Good sleep and good nutrition
A good night’s sleep before the day of a therapy session and good nutrition go a long way to helping your child or teen have the emotional energy to do the work in session. Help and encourage an early bedtime the night before as well as healthy nutrition the day of their session.
If you have questions about how to best support your child or teen in therapy, we are here to help answer your questions. Our therapists collaborate with parents and care-givers to support their kids and teens in the therapy process. Contact us today to schedule your child or teen’s first session!